Adrian-Alexandru Coman,
Android Developer with a focus on creating great products!
With 7 years of software engineering experience and working on both B2B and B2C applications I managed to get a great understanding of product development from the point of view of an engineer.
Over the past few years I mostly worked with fin-tech startups, focusing on creating scalable and easy-to-understand architectures while adopting Continuous Delivery practices, automating testing, feedback and publishing flows.
Apps that I’ve recently worked on:
- Pago
- IntroLend
- Bookly
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Sunt multe greșeli în aplicația ”știi sa scrii. Se pot remedia va rog?
Claudia, urmează să lansăm o versiune nouă a aplicației luna aceasta cu foarte multe modificări, mult mai puține greșeli (fără greșeli, sper eu) și cu feature-uri noi 🙂
Mulțumesc pentru feedback!