Funny thing about documentation

So i have this really cool project i’m working on for basically no money. Working on it with a team of two other people.

I developed the backend of the app as well and to make things cool, i wrote a very very detailed documentation about it, nice comments in the code and everything by the book…

In the same time, i’m working on a personal project as well that has the potential to bring in some nice money. That code is a fking mess! Didn’t have time for the app so I didn’t touch the code for like two months. Now i’m looking over it and I hate myself for not writing a proper documentation, for doing hacks and writing sleazy code. So… starting to document everything in it now and see where can I start to make it work.

Found an article some days ago explaining why a project that is done in one person takes as much time to be done as it does in two people. The difference lays in the code quality that you get at the end. Very nice read: 

Rant1: dunno why images are not loading in the website… must have been something when i changed the hosting provider…
Rant 2: document your fking code!

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