I’d like to code naked…

Fear not, people, i’m not coding naked… but

When i was still in college, i used to think that when I will get a job, I’ll always come dressed up nice, maybe with a suit on. I love to suit up.

When i got my first job, my boss would come to work in slippers, sweat pants and a random rock tshirt. I know I used to look at him strange… and would come to work in jeans and a shirt. Later i ditched the shirt for a t-shirt. Meanwhile i lost my shoes and would stay at the office in socks (my feet smell lovely btw) and now… think i’m gonna get some shorts or something…

Being relaxed when coding or working is a must… if i don’t feel that the clothes that i’m wearing give me the freedom that I want, i need to change something…

No, don’t think i’ll come to work and code naked… though I might try it at home once in a while..

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