Butterknife.. why go the trouble?

Butterknife is one of the plugins I put first time when working on a new project.

Yesterday, found a plugin, that removes butterknife: https://github.com/u3shadow/RemoveButterKnife

It sounds interesting, it does it’s job, but I fail to understand why would you ever need it?


Butterknife uses around 350 methods so if this is the answer. Forget it. You’re gonna have the same problem in around one week.

By the way, for method counting I found this really really cool tool.


Butterknife did something bad to you. Like it molested your app.

Other reasons?

Don’t know the exact answer and I can’t quite explain the number of favs this repo got… or how it got in my feed. So… why would you use it?

I found it! Partially…

I’m a pretty ignorant mo’fo’. Today opened an old project that used Butterknife 7.0.1. When I wanted to add Butterknife 8.1.0 saw that some things are deprecated. @Bind got replaced with @BindView… Still not a huge explanation, but meh 🙂

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