Cheap stuff

Because I’m an android developer that doesn’t mean I know how to fix your phones camera or install Android 6 on your Galaxy S2.

People come to me and ask why their phone is going slow, why they don’t have signal, how they can lower the FPS of games etc or w/e stupid questions.

Thing is… you can’t

Because you were cheap!

If you want a phone that will last you and won’t make you frustrated cause it doesn’t work get a good one! Do some extra effort and save for an iPhone! Really, it’s the best phone out there for normal day to day usage!

If you are a more tech/big numbers inclined person, try a phone that is no older than one generation. Everything else is money wasted. Don’t waist 200$ a year for a phone. Pay 400$-500$ for a phone and use it for two maybe three years.

You get to pay almost the same about but:

  1. You don’t lose time with buying it
  2. You don’t get frustrated
  3. You’re more happy with the quality stuff you bought

Be smart, don’t be a cheap ass.

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