Failed certification
Report generated at 6/28/2013 10:13 AM
Windows 8
Security tests: passed
This test scans your app for malware and unwanted behaviors.
Technical compliance: passed
Content compliance: failed
This test evaluates your software for content compliance with Windows Store Certification Requirements.
Questions to consider:
- Does your app require a user account? If so, you need to include a test account in the Notes to Testers field.
*Da frate.. și le-am dat cont, dar Facebook este atât de bun și de suspicios încât îi blochează când încearcă să intre. Am implementat login prin Microsoft Account și Google Account acum.. majoritatea erorilor au pornit de aici.*
- Can users make purchases through the app? If so, you need to provide a way to test those purchases.
*Nu, nu poate!, nu am purchase în app! *
Commons reasons why apps fail this requirement:
- The app includes non-functional sections or contains placeholders (labeled “coming soon”, “more to come”, “not available yet” and so on) for primary user scenarios.
- The app doesn’t work on all the architectures that it claims to support. For example, if you state that your app works on any CPU, it must work on all architectures, including ARM.
- The app description is misleading or vague.
- The app description uses screenshots or statements that imply features that don’t appear to be implemented.
- The app doesn’t respond to “play” and “pause” keyboard events to allow users to control audio playback.
- The app description doesn’t explicitly state any hardware or network requirements.
Commons reasons why apps fail this requirement:
- The app doesn’t support at least one of the certification languages.
*Vreau doar română! :(( Atât am selectat! De ce ești nasol Microsoft și îmi bagi eroarea asta pe gât?
*Update: ok.. mea culpa.. am setat de când am făcut pachetul de publicare limba engleză.. Eu verificam doar setările din store* - The app is functional in some of the languages it was submitted in but not all.
- The info on the app’s Description page (such as its description, features, screenshots, and so on) doesn’t reflect the amount of localization in the app.
A common reason why apps fail this requirement is when one or more screenshots appear to be graphically enhanced.
*Mdea.. ai nevoie să dai login cu contul ăla de facebook care nu merge… Sper să se rezolve în next build..*
Notes from Testers:
Screenshots provided are not appropriately localized for each language the app is supported in. We were unable to connect to a service with provided account credentials. Frequently this happens because the credentials have expired or are locked or the service to which this App connects to was not up and running. This prevented us from completing our review of this App. During the review of this app (which is Romanian), it did not appear to be fully localized for the languages it supports (English). Description should be in app’s language. Please refer to the http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/jj657969.aspx.
And fail 2:
The launch time and suspend time of an app depends on many variables, such as system load and configuration, which can vary from one computer to another and from one test to another. Because of this variability, a launch time or a suspend time that is just under the limit in one instance could be just over the limit, and fail the test, in another.
If the app’s launch time or suspend time is close to the limit, review what the app is doing to handle those events and look for ways to reduce that activity.
*Asta ține de timpul de încărcare al aplicației, până în 7 secunde să se încarce și până în 5 secunde să revină din alt tab. O să testez pe mai multe arhitecturi și să vedem ce pot face.. Cred că eroare vine de la generarea dinamică de controale pe care trebuie să o facă aplicația când se încarcă și mereu când revine din ALT TAB. Revin*
By: Adrian Coman