
My worst enemy is the distractions that i always have around me…

Starting with stupid people using @channel on slack, continuing with stupid games or apps that bombard me with notifications and ending with colleagues that decide to talk while in the office on the phone about how they want to arrange their clothes drawer at home.

For three months i tried to educate people on how to use slack, i couldn’t so i’m always away while at work. I may miss some important stuff, but doing my shit most of the time is more important. For sure more important than the douche that wants to tell a joke on general with @channel.

I made a setup for my phone with only important notifications to get past and push them on my computer (phone calls and e-mail with certain keywords in it).

Still… don’t know how to handle my colleagues that see I have my headphones on, music blasting and still come to me with lazy ass questions that is a google search away.

Don’t understand me wrong, i’m a very VERY social person. Only that distractions are a work killer and i’m serious about my work.


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